About « Maps 2.0

About « Maps 2.0

Maps 2.0
Geospatial Tools for Nonprofits and Humanitarian Relief

Advisory Team
Project Description
Why GIS?



Maps 2.0 will establish the first nonprofit online resource for sharing best practices in geographic information systems (GIS), geospatial analysis, and digital maps. Our goal is to make GIS tools and solutions more accessible to humanitarian and nonprofit organizations.
This collaboration is already under way. In partnership with Aspiration, Mercy Corps, and other nonprofit leaders, HumaniNet has already formed an advisory team for creating a volunteer-based community of practice in GIS and has begun to investigate Web tools suitable for a dynamic and sustainable knowledge base.
Since the Asia tsunami disaster in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, a growing number of nonprofit and humanitarian organizations have recognized the tremendous potential of Web-delivered maps and map-based analysis. Existing geospatial tools and available data will enable nonprofit teams to analyze “layers” of data in community projects, better characterize and understand health trends and needs in areas such as HIV/AIDs, and create digital maps for disaster response teams with critical information on shelter and medical needs, logistics, and security.
The HumaniNet team and our nonprofit partners believe that this revolution in mapping tools will change the way we think about projects with social, environmental, and humanitarian purposes. Although there are hundreds of examples and success stories, there is no single clearinghouse for sharing best practices, learning of new open source GIS tools, and connecting with others in the nonprofit community with common needs.
While our baseline proposal, as presented at the NetSquared conference on May 29-30, will be to create an online resource for participating humanitarian and nonprofit organizations, we are also planning an expanded “help desk” capability that will serve the community of practice.

Contact Us
You can email us at maps2project@gmail.com

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